How to recover your best mental and emotional state of mind.
Resilience is the physical, mental, and emotional state that allows you to be ready to handle any unexpected things that come your way. When you don't take a break you feel burned out, the quality of your work suffers, or you get sick. That's why we all need to rejuvenate, revitalize, and recharge ourselves to reach our full potential:
1. As often as possible, take breaks at work, even if it's just for five minutes. Listen to some music you enjoy or get up from your desk and stretch a little.
2. Schedule a vacation well in advance so you are sure to take it and don't use the excuse that you're just "too busy" to get away.
3. Identify the saboteurs in your life and avoid them. Saboteurs may be friends that drain you with their negativity, or they could be family members that are too demanding of your time and energy.
4. Keep a positive goal in mind as you tackle those tasks you dislike.
5. Don't be afraid to say "no". If you can't possibly take on any more work, then politely say "no" to the project. Remember, if you say "yes" to everything, you're not going to have the time or the energy to do your best on anything.
6. Eat smart and exercise regularly. The times when we are the most stressed is precisely when we need proper nutrition, so take the time for proper food choices.
Improve your chances to build good relationships
Smart business people understand the value of networking. Put simply, expanding your contacts improves your chances to build good relationships, discover leads, and generate increased sales. Plus, the more people you get to know in your own industry - or in different businesses and functions - the easier it will be for you to find the best sources when you need specialized information or the insights of an experienced professional.
Here are some known ways to widen your circle of contacts by improving your networking strategy:
1. Offer to help others. End meetings and calls by asking, Is there anything I can do to help you?
2. Communicate your unique knowledge and expertise to others.
3. Share your own personal contacts judiciously.
4. Be approachable.
5. Write personal thank-you notes to people who help you.
6. Follow through on your commitments - always.
And when you're planning to participate in a networking event, increase your chances for success by
applying these easy ideas:
1. Know who will be attending the event. Arrive early.
2. Dress appropriately.
3. Bring lots of business cards.
4. Have a personal 30-second "commercial" ready.
5. Remember people's names and use them in conversation.
6. Spend most of your time with people you don't know.
7. Learn about other people before you start talking about yourself.
8. Have fun.
2 simple tips to solve your problems.
We all encounter various problems throughout our day. Here are some easy ways to solve them before they turn in to even larger ordeal.
Figure out the causes To figure out exactly why the problem is occurring we need to do some detective work and look for the 'critical factors' that are the real causes. It is important to look at the problem from different angles and perspectives, and to take other people's opinions into account to apply the most successful solution.
Develop solutions
It is beneficial to develop numerous ideas for how to solve a problem. Be sure to keep an open mind and seek suggestions from those people who know more about the issue than you do. Be sure to not place a 'band aid' solution on the problem. Do not try to quickly fix a situation that may in the end cause more trouble that finding a complete solution.Changes in the Workplace.. Don't Stress !
Humans are naturally creatures of habit. When things do not go our way, we usually react with
resistance. We burrow deep into our comfort zones. However, it is important to realize that
everything is changing around us every day. New managers are hired, better technological
systems replace old ones, companies merge, etc. Decisions made by other members in the
company can both directly and indirectly affect us, and our fear can be a major barrier to future
goals. Work, grow, and shine with change instead of being paralyzed by it. Improvements can
only be made with progressive, dynamic change. So here are a few tips to help ease into the
1. Embrace the change.
Realize the fact that while you can't stop the company from merging with another, you can
seize the opportunity to step up to tackle some extra work. Extra efforts and expressing ideas
could get you a promotion. The possibilities are endless. While others are becalmed become
2. Turn negatives into positives.
Stop concentrating on things you have no control over. Instead of complaining about someone
else getting a new promotion over you, take an objective look at your performance to see what
was lacking. There is always something to improve and ways to polish your ideas for next time.
Take negative mistakes and turn them into positive goals for the future. Everyone is looking
for those ready to be accountable and to do that bit extra – be that person.
3. If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got.
Bad habits will get bad results. Lacking room for improvement will frustrate you when you can't
get any closer to your goals. No one wants to take the time to learn the new computer system,
but soon everyone will adjust and will accelerate inter-office communication, and you will still
be grumbling and behind on work if you resist.
4. Take it one step at a time.
Just because you have accepted the fact that your new boss has new expectations from you
doesn't mean you won't get frustrated. Try not to be overwhelmed and take the transition one
small change at a time. Pace yourself so you do not take on too much too fast. Soon you'll find
you've completed an entire puzzle while you were focusing on finding a few missing pieces.Go back to your basic good work habits, prioritize your time, concentrate on the 20% of
activities that produce 80% of the results
Don't forget,small talk does not always have to be unrelated to work topics. It may be semiwork-related as well. Questions about what kind of work projects the other person has been involved in or their professional specialization are always interesting conversation fodder. The key thing about small talk is to be genuine, and react in a natural manner. Ask questions about the things the other person mentions that are genuinely of interest to you rather than the things you think you are "supposed" to ask about.
Show interest and enthusiasm. Don't be afraid to digress on seemingly unrelated topics. The aim is to discover common interests and enjoy the interaction. If you and the other person discover that you both are fans of the Isle of Hawaii as a vacation destination, for example, that's a start and surely you will find other things in common too. And above all, avoid being overly earnest be a real person. Be relaxed, smile and be a pleasant person to be spending time talking with. In The American-style socializing the following are some pointers for business lunches and after-work socializing.
Avoid drinking alcohol at lunch (the "three-martini lunch" of past decades has long been out of style!).
The host should pay for the meal as well as other charges such as a tip for the hatcheck. In the U.S., the preferred seat for the guest is the one with the more desirable view. "Ladies first" rules in the U.S. are less strict nowadays than many Japanese have been led to believe but are good to follow to the extent possible, for example, holding doors for women, holding chairs for women, helping women on with their coats, and allowing women to enter and exit elevators first.
Mingling, there's an art to circulating at a cocktail party-type function. Strike a balance between talking to people long enough to make a connection, but not "glomming onto them" and monopolizing their time.
The goal at a cocktail party is to meet several people and make connections that can be followed up on later if there appears to be mutual interest. This means that sensing when to end the conversation and move on to the next person is important. The key question to ask yourself is: Is this a meaningful conversation or does it reek of a sense of duty? If you are feeling bored or the other person looks as if they are feeling bored, it's time to say
"if you'll excuse me I must go and mingle" and gracefully break off the conversation and move on to talk to someone else. By following the above suggestions, you are sure to forge many useful business relationship.
Charm and communication skills.
Making a good first impression. The first key to a good impression is good grooming. Clean, neatly pressed clothes appropriate for the occasion are a must, as is good oral hygiene. Be sure to stand up straight, use a firm handshake and look the other person in the eye. And don't forget to smile!
As for your introduction, keep it simple,such as "Roswalle, nice to meet you." More elaborate explanations about yourself or your background can wait until later in the conversation. Don't be afraid to get the ball rolling with a question to the other person. Something as simple as "what brought you here?" "do you often attend these events?" or "what did you think of the presentation?" are sufficient as a conversation starter. Rather than yes/no questions, ask open-ended questions. Pick something relevant to the event you are at, instead of something random or seemingly unrelated.
For example, ask any Chicagoan if they are a Cubs fan or a Sox fan, and you are sure to have plenty to talk about. Hobbies. Find out what the person likes to do in their spare time. This might be a participant sport, such as golfing, tennis, fishing or running. Or it might be some other activity. If you happen to find out that they share an interest with you, that's the perfect bonding opportunity. Note, however, that native English speakers seldom use the word "hobby" in conversation. It's more natural to ask "What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Local highlights. If you are visiting somewhere, ask about local sightseeing destinations. "What should I be sure to see while I'm here?" or "What restaurants do you recommend around here?" are good gambits. Children. If the other person has mentioned that they have children, this can be a good topic. Ask about their ages and what activities they are involved in. If you have children, you can share about yours.
Recognition, responsibility & reproach.
Recently I've got to my mind a set of words such as recognition, responsibility & reproach. In Japan there is a great number of phrases in which "credit and blame" are embedded right in to the language to asses who is responsible for what happened as well as how the speaker feels about it. The magic words amount others are "Kureru,ageru,Morau,itadaku,saseru,etc". Tagging on these verbs lets the speaker know who should get credit and who should feel thankful for the beneficial action. In the Japanese language these words are often requisite in a natural-sounding Japanese, but in these peculiar forms of expression there is implicit who might be supposed responsible or who is been benefited for something that has been done or said.
English may be difficult for some Japanese people but you have not idea of how difficult Japanese language could be when it comes to understand not just its words but the nuance hidden in them.
Good Luck! See you again Bye!
Dial Up, having a good impression.
「もしもし。 こちらはロスウォールと申します。何時もお世話になっております。」
“Hello, this is Mr.Roswalle. Thanks always for your kind support.”
In a world where good manners and decorum are vanishing almost as fast as the polar icecap, Japan is one country where proper telephone courtesy is still practiced, especially in the business environment.
Armed with my dog-eared copy of the “Japan Yellow Pages," I've
made several calls to government and corporate offices and obtained the information l needed. Granted,l have a rasping voice and speak with a 外国人のなまり(foreign accent),but l make a point of using proper phrases to put the person l was calling at ease.
Business-related calls generally demand the use of honorifics, and this requires some rote memorization and probably pronunciation drills. Fortunately,however, learning a dozen or so standard phrases will get you through most situations.
First, obviously, identify yourself and state the purpose of your call. if you're calling a company’s 0120フリーダイヤル (toll-free) number, have your reason rehearsed in advance,e・g・,
If you wish to speak to a certain Mr. Sato that works in a big office,
it’s better to add his first name -
say Hiroshi - so you would ask,
「佐藤 博様 いらしゃいますか」“Is Mr.Hiroshi Sato there?”
Perhaps the section or person you're calling has a
「直接番号」“direct dial number.”
If you go through the main switchboard the operator might ask;
「お客様は?orどちら様でしょうか?」 “May l ask who’s calling?”
"You reply with your affiliation and surname, followed by;
The response is likely to be;
「今御回し致しますので、少々を待ち下さい」“Please wait, I'll transfer you.”
If you are asked
「ご用件はなんでしょうか?」“What is the purpose of your call?”
You can explain, or simply say;
「“個人的な事です。」”It's a personal matter.”
Say you get put right through, only to be told;
「大変恐れ入りますが。」“I'm very sorry but .”
followed by explanations like;
「まだ会社に来ておりません」“He hasn’t come in yet.”
「ただいま電話中です・・.」“He's on the other line.”
「今ちょっと席を‥はずしておりますが・・」“He’s not at his desk now.”
This means he’s come to work but is not visible to the speaker.
「本日はお休みを取っております。・・」“He's off today.”
「今出ておりまして、本日は戻らない予定です。・・」“He’s left and probably won't be coming back to the office.”
「本日はもう帰りました・・」“He’s already left for the day.”
A helpful colleague might offer;
「おりかえし電話をさせましょうか?」“Shall l have him call you back? ”
To which you can respond;
「いいえ、のちほど あらためて電話致します。」“No,I'll call back later.”
Or you can request that you be called by saying,
“It's an important matter, so I'd like him to return my call urgently.”
When you give your number, note that “zero” should be pronounced as either 「レイ」or “ゼロ,”and never as “oh.” four is always pronounced 「ヨン」 since its
other reading, 「シ,」can easily be mistaken for 「シチ」“seven”.
If you didn't get through the first time and are calling back, you can say;
「度々(タビタビ)」“Sorry to keep bothering you,”
and then take it from there.
If the person has been transferred to a new department and you're informed of his or her new number, read it back to confirm you've heard correctly, by saying;
「くりかえします or ふくしょう します。」”let me repeat that,”
Followed by the number.
A few old-fashioned people might still use the words
「市外番号(しがいばんごう)」“city code, e.g. Tokyo 03”
You might say;
「それでは、よろしく」“Please remember me),”
And when you hear the other party say;
「失礼致します」 “I'm going to hang up now.”
(Which in this particular case means that), that’s your cue to repeat the same.
Proper telephone etiquette will win favor with the
「電話当番(でんわとうばん)」“the person in charge of answering the phone and relay calls.”
This in turn can help you cut through red tape to get things done faster and with
Less confusion and frustration.
See you. Bye!
It's often said that in business, "it's not what you know, it's who you know." Getting to know people depends on the ability to network, including making a good impression at cocktail parties, meals and other such venues. Yet, many business professionals who are confident about their work skills turn into a mass of insecurities when confronted with such social situations. This is particularly true for Japanese, who face not only the language barrier but the fact that business socializing customs are quite different between Japan and other countries. Business social situations can also be a particular challenge for non-Japanese who have spent a long time in Japan, and have adapted themselves to Japanese culture more than we have realized.
Here I will discuss some of the fundamentals of success full socializing in the American business context as a primer for Japanese readers and a refresher for non-Japanese readers.
American communication style.
First, a few words about American communication style in general. Americans expect others to engage in self-disclosure, self-expression and an exchange of opinions. This means that it's important to take an active role in conversations by speaking up. Unlike the Japanese who communicate things through subtle facial expressions and tone of voice, for Americans, if it's not clearly set out in words, it won't get across. Americans tend to feel that not trying to talk means you are uninterested in the other person or you're not making an effort. Don't be hesitant to introduce yourself first or to start a conversation. And during the conversation, be sure to say your share. Many Japanese tend to hold back in conversations in English because they are afraid of making a mistake. However, looking at Japanese conversations with Americans, more problems occur when something that should have been said wasn't, rather than something said incorrectly caused a problem. In other words, it's better to try and talk than to say nothing at all, which is sure to be perceived negatively.